Tagged by Xarafatima a.k.a Kaksurimus Prime:
* 2 names you go by
1. Fahmi
2. Komander (especially by blogger & forumer)
* 2 things you wearing right now
1. Only wearing long black Pant
2. No shirt ON.. (Things are preety hot when i'm working)
*2 things you want very badly at the moment
1. Finish current Project(S) im working with!
2 things you did last night just before bed
1. id i slept last night?
2. Simplified the list provider code specially for searching with SQL Parameters. (DAMN! I HATE SQL!)
*2 thing you ate today
1. Biskut+Jem blueberry kak Asiahtator bagi pagi tadi
2. Nasi Goreng Pattaya+Maggi+Biskut Mr. D+Maggi
*2 people you just spoke with
1. about 2 hour ago i'm alon in this office.. so i talked to no one tonight.
2. -
*2 things you are doing tomorrow
1. Finish the unfinishable.
2. Googling the ungoogleable.
*2 longest car rides
1. SBN -> AOR
2. SBN -> JBR (!J*B*R it's JB la..)
*2 person who are chose to do this tag
1. EzzanulZieda (Ezzan dah gabung badan dgn Azieda)
2. YuMu (Yuyu+ Ummu jeles tgk ezanida, pastu diorang pon gabung badan jadi YuMU)
P/S: Agak tinggi Imaginasi aku, terutame bile melibatkan dragonball, Transformers, Gaban, Masked Rider, Naruto (Kai!), Ero-Senin (Ye, aku tau ini bukan anime, tp ini anime yg selalu dlm pikiran aku.) hahaha..
so mcmne nk wat tag ni..hahhaa...sape ezzanulZieda dan yuMu tu?
chait, mcm mana saya boleh jadi surimus prime?
Zieda: kan dah ade description sape ezanulzida n YuMu tu.. hehehe..
Xara: Kaksurimus prime bile kak suri xde dekat sy.. suribam bile jauh skit, n kak suri kalau ade pape yg sy nk.. :D
sedap giler nama tu..hahha...
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